Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Resignation Poem

As I was sitting in yet another insipid meeting, in the absence of "bullshit bingo", I crafted this "letter of resignation" for that imminent event.

I leave, I resign, I step down, I quit
Enough of your dumb-ass incessant bullshit.

My patience, you tested it, tortured and tried
Your presence alone makes me feel stultified.

Your product line (such as it is) just sucks ass
And LightYear app is a "bitchin' success."

Nero had nothing on your management style
Still aren't sure why I resign?

I've seen many morons, but none are like you
In love with yourself, and as smart as fondue.

Your Bachelor's, Master's, Kellogg MBA…
Yet shoe-sized IQ; how do you explain?

And so I conclude this epistle of mine
And happily send you where the Sun doesn't shine.


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